I have been so focused on sharing projects from my new home with you as of late, that I am feeling a little ashamed to just now realize how long it has truly been since I have shared a soul hack with you on the blog. In today’s post, I am righting my wrongs by skipping the typical DIY/decorating post to share how to find beauty in life’s WTF moments.
While I must admit that I have dropped the ball on my Soul Hack Series lately on the actual blog, please know that I have been sharing plenty of life and business wisdom drops, on a weekly basis, over on my podcast The Introverted Influencer. Today, I was called to share a theme I have been not only exploring on my podcast, but have also been grappling with in real life.
I don’t really want to rehash all of the stupid, first world problems that have been thrown my way lately, because I am not in the mood to have a pity party (nor do I believe I deserve one), but it just feels like my reality has gone super haywire over the past few months, and I have lost my sense of centeredness and security.
With each curve ball that came my way, I fell more and more out of my ease and flow state and into the personal hell that is fight or flight– outrunning “the lion” and proactively “fixing” each undesired circumstance that unfolded before my very eyes.
But here’s the thing….after months of living in hypervigilance, with all of the stress hormones secreting in overdrive, there comes a moment when you become so damn exhausted from problem solving and catastrophizing worst case scenarios that your body basically grinds to a halt (mine does at least).
With no more energy to white knuckle, you are essentially forced to slow down, face your fears (instead of trying to suppress them) and ask God for a new way…a new approach.
And while our patriarchal, action-oriented society would tell you that slowing down and surrendering is a sign of weakness, the surrendered breakdown can actually be a very powerful position to be in.
When you humble yourself to the forces of the universe and admit your way is not the ultimate way, you leave space for quantum leaps and miracles.
Looking back on the painful moments of my past as a detached observer, I can now recognize that each rock bottom I have endured throughout life ultimately catapulted me to my next level.
Like a child jumping on a trampoline or a ballerina sinking into a plie before an impressive leap, sometimes the universe pushes you down, so that you can ultimately bounce back up- more buoyant, more triumphant and better off than you were to begin. You see..
The momentum is generated in the bottom-the further down you sink, the higher you can spring back up.
But to fully experience the flow and momentum from such a seemingly low and powerless place, a vital reframe must take place within our awareness.
Essentially, we must stop perceiving our experiences from the lens of victimhood.
We must change the “WHY is this happening TO me?” mentality to “HOW is this happening FOR me?”.
All of life’s WTF moments (excluding serious trauma or death) are either 1). intended to strengthen our nervous systems for our next level lives or 2). knock us off a path that was never meant for us in the first place, so that we can return to our true, authentic needs and desires.
Our job is to stop fighting the “what is ness” and trust that it’s all happening for our good.
Whether in the form of a lesson or a blessin’, beauty will arise from the ashes, baby!
Thank you so much for stopping by this week. I hope this Soul hack was just what you needed to hear.
Next week I will be back at it with my DIY content, but if you want more messages like this one, you need to subscribe to my podcast, The Introverted Influencer, where I drop weekly episodes!
Now get out there and design some good vibes along with a fabulous life!
Wednesday 17th of August 2022
Very helpful! Thank you!
Designing Vibes
Wednesday 17th of August 2022
I am so glad to hear that you found this helpful, Sharon. Sending you all the best. :)
Wednesday 17th of August 2022
Erica, This is exactly what I needed and when I needed it. The last month has been very eventful and not in a good way. I am trying to learn that if I don’t nurture myself I can’t assist those who need me. Lots of mine are first-world problems as well, but it all takes a toll on our well-being. Thank you for addressing such important issues that are often overlooked. I think your podcast should be part of my self care. Have a great day!
Designing Vibes
Wednesday 17th of August 2022
I am so happy to hear that this message came to you when you needed it, Donna. I hope things start to turn around for you soon. xoxo