Well it only took an entire freaking month, but I am relieved to finally be sharing the reveal of Roman’s “big boy”, Boho-Modern room with you today. If you are interested in any of the decor sources used in this design, be sure to scroll to the bottom of this post where I have all of the items listed along with affiliate links for your shopping convenience.
So in case any of you missed the original design plan post, let me briefly recap the intentions behind this space. Basically… my oldest son recently turned four and I knew it was time to give him a calm yet inspiring space to play in. Given we don’t currently have the luxury of a dedicated playroom, toy storage and play space were the two major factors when styling this room.
Just to appreciate how far this room has come, I need to share with you it’s humble beginnings (although it is horribly embarrassing).Seriously though…the “before” is so bad, I should be ashamed of myself not only as a mother, but as the owner of an interior design blog.
Roman’s Room Before:
As you can see, I have been so overwhelmed with projects involving the rest of my fixer upper, poor Roman’s room was a badly neglected afterthought. His train table took up most of the play area in this small space and the underwhelming scale of the toddler bed actually made the room look even smaller.
The first call of action was to upgrade the size of his bed to “big boy” status and while doing so, find a bed design that allowed his train table to be stored underneath. Although iron and spindle beds are impactful showstoppers which I adore, I had to settle on this simple platform bed as this was the only design I could find that allowed maximum storage below and fit the confines of my budget.
My husband cut the original legs off the train table and added casters to the bottom of the supports so that the table can now be easily accessed and stored away as needed.
In terms of aesthetics, I was going for a clean and fresh feel with some boho rustic touches which I incorporated through textile choices and wood materials. A shibori throw blanket and kilim pillow add some cali-cool vibes to an otherwise minimalistic space. Ideally I would have painted the walls white, but I left them this light-grey color because I am just too lazy at the moment to really give a sh*t. For a hot minute, I also considered doing a wallpaper feature wall, but I didn’t want to invest any more than necessary.
I wanted my son to have some creative control over the space so I let him select all of the artwork and one of his selections was a Grateful Dead pirate flag (I guess the whole Dead Head thing just runs in our genes).
The main challenge in this room was establishing much-needed toy space while also maintaining ample floor space for play. We found a happy medium by taking advantage of vertical storage space.
In this nook, where I used to keep a chest of drawers full of clothing, I had my husband build these custom wood shelves to the exact depth of the nook which freed up some floor space. I simply relocated the chest of drawers to his closet where I also keep a toy chest full of junk (I mean toys). I still haven’t committed to staining the shelves yet, because I kind of get a Scandinavian vibe from leaving the wood unfinished. Or …maybe I am just feeding you a bunch of BS as I , once again, justify my laziness and ADD tendencies. In all honesty though, I am sure I will get distracted with another room and leave them as is.
These belly baskets (I bought them here) are not only great for adding a little more of a boho vibe and texture to the space, they are also a stylish solution to toy storage.
Because Roman exhibits quite a strong interest in art, I decided to dedicate an entire wall to his inner Rembrandt. While he used to have a chalkboard easel in his room, the bulky design took up way too much space so I went ahead and tried my hand at chalkboard paint ( he specifically told me he wanted a “chalkboard house”, so I gladly obliged after a few tallboys….classy, I know!).
I also invested in an art display system (which I bought here), and I am so happy I did. I was beginning to run out of space on the fridge for all of his art, so this has been awesome having around.
Here is the other picture Roman selected for his room (please ignore the nail holes below it- just keepin it real)….
If any of you are looking to transition a child’s space from “baby” to “big boy”, or “big girl”, I would recommend starting with textile choices: steer clear of characters or themes. Pick pillows, blankets and rugs that will work just as easily in grown-up spaces, but let them have a little more fun with artwork.
Now get out there and design some good vibes, and please be sure to spread the love by Pinning….
Modern Boho Kid’s Room Sources:
*toy storage image by Studio McGee*/ rug / pirate flag / sconce / art / bed / pillow / duvet / mudcloth throw / chandelier / belly baskets / art hanging system
ashley allen
Wednesday 9th of May 2018
I love it Erica, its simple yet still modern and stylish and he can easily grow into it. Now I need to get started on my kids room :) hers is pretty neglected too and I haven't been able to get out of the main area long enough to do it but you just gave me some motivation. Great job friend!
Designing Vibes
Wednesday 9th of May 2018
Thank you so much, doll. Kids spaces are easy to overlook, but it really does make me feel so much better about our house now that is properly decorated and organized.