Tired of staring at an ugly wire kennel in your small but fabulous space? In today’s post, I am sharing step-by-step instructions for how to build a wooden double dog crate to look like a stylish piece of furniture...
Within the past few years, I have noticed an emerging trend in luxury home design…
Pet-centric features like water bowl fillers (think pot fillers but for dogs), washing stations, and built-in dog kennels are now becoming a staple for mudrooms of opulent stature.

And while my lifestyle is anything but opulent, ya’ll know I am all about hacking my way to a rich b*tch look for a fraction of the cost.

Case in point? One of my favorite DIY projects I have completed in my new house this far- a wooden double dog kennel to replace two bulky and unsightly wire crates (pictured above).

Utilizing some budget-friendly materials from my local hardware store, my husband was able to build a much more stylish and space-saving “den” for my pups to lounge in.
For the cost of plywood, cabinet hinges and hardware cloth, you too can recreate this look for your own space. Let me show you how…
** Important Note: The dimensions for this kennel are ideal for smaller breeds. If you need help determining the size for your pet’s unique needs, follow these crate sizing suggestions from PetMD. Also, for your pet’s well-being, I do NOT recommend running your washer or dryer while they are in their crates. **

Double Dog Kennel Tutorial-
(For overall dimensions: 33” total depth to back wall- x 59” wide x 26” tall.)
Full Materials List:
- ¾ plywood
- Circular saw w/ plywood blade to prevent cutout
- Kreg Accu Cut system
- Router with straight bit
- Kreg Concealed Hinge Jig
- Hinges
- Scrap wood for router guide
- Drill
- Hardware cloth
- Heavy duty staple gun
- Snips
- Measurement Tape
- 2x lumber, pocket-hole jig and pocket screws (if building framing from scratch)
- Cabinet locking mechanism (dead bolt or privacy hook will work)

Note: Because our dogs are on the small/medium size end of the spectrum, we compared the dimensions of their wire kennels to that of pre-existing washer/dryer pedestals in our laundry room and determined that this size would be perfect. Therefore, we only had to build the door panels.
Not to fear, you can adapt this wooden support frame from a previous build to meet your own size requirements..

(Step 1). Once you have determined the desired dimensions for your pet’s needs, you can build the framing by cutting the plywood to size. You will attach the side panels, divider wall, top piece and bottom side with pocket holes and pocket screws. Here in a previous wooden frame build, we capped the 3/4 stock on the edges with 2xs.
Tip: If you want your kennel to double as a washer/dryer pedestal, I suggest sandwiching your 3/4 plywood for optimal support and safety. You could also use 2 inch thick butcher block if cost is not a deterrent.

(Step 2). Once the frame is complete, it is time to build your doors. Using ¾ inch stock (I used veneered plywood), mark measurements for desired dimensions (my husband used a T square.)

(Step 3). Using a circular saw paired with a plywood blade and the Kreg Accu-Cut, cut plywood to dimensions.
(Step 4). Determine center cut-out dimensions for front facing panel and mark accordingly.

(Step 5). Using scrap pieces of wood, clamp them to the outside perimeter of the doors so they will guide the router.
(Step 6). Using a straight bit, use the router to cut out the center section of the doors that will have the hardware cloth in place for the doggies’ viewing pleasure.

(Step 7). Using the Kreg Concealed Hinge Jig, drill the holes for the concealed hinges.

(Step 8). Attach the hardware cloth to your kennel doors using a heavy-duty staple gun. Using wire snips, cut the mesh to the desired dimensions.

(Step 9). Attach concealed hinges.

(Step 10). Measure, mark, and attach doors to vertical panels of the frame.

Here is with just one door complete and you can see my pups already love their new space.
(Step 11). While I waited until the wire mesh was on to paint and prime the doors, I recommend painting the doors first and then installing the hardware cloth.

(Step 12). Mark and measure where you want your knobs to be. Then, drill pilot holes for your door knobs and the locking device.
Tip: While I went with a cabinet latch strictly for aesthetics, the bolt is really not long enough to prevent sneaky dogs from breaking out. While mine have yet to figure this out, ideally I would have used a privacy hook or a deadbolt latch.
While we also contemplated adding a back panel to this kennel design, my dogs are pretty old and docile – appearing to be super uninterested in the dryer vent hose for now. I reasoned by not closing in the back of the crate (given there is a solid wall behind it anyhow), they have a little bit more space to move around.

What about crate dimensions for larger dogs?
While the idea of doubling a washer and dryer riser as a dog crate works for a small to medium dog kennel, if you own a large dog you may want to consider making the height of the crate taller to mimic that of a counter or table top like interior designer Stacy Millman did for her black lab pictured below…

To replicate the look, you can still use this tutorial for the actual kennel doors yet omit any bottom lumber piece or back wall (to save on cost of materials). As for the cabinet framing, you can adapt my DIY cabinets tutorial for this crate frame build.

And there you now have my complete step-by-step DIY instructions, friend.
With a material cost of under $100 for this project (given the frame was already in place), I am truly so impressed with the way in which this piece has given my laundry room a true custom feel (not to mention freed up a sh*t ton of space). While building the frame will cost about an additional $80, it truly is worth every penny. I say go for it!
Thank you so much for spending some time with me this week!
If you found my dog kennel plans helpful, it would mean the world to me if you could share this post with a friend or on social media..

Now get out there and design some good vibes along with a fabulous life!

Sunday 25th of February 2024
I love this blog but this one makes me worry. Crates should be sized so that the dog has room to stand at full height on all 4 legs and turn around at a minimum. Vibrations can trigger seizure like events in dogs (this is why salons pack cotton in their ears when using clippers) please do not run machine over your dog's crate. Some dryer vent hoses can change temperature rapidly depending on the weather outside and recently used cycles. We all love our pups and want them to be safe and happy.
Designing Vibes
Monday 26th of February 2024
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback, Jenn. We definitely do not run the machines while the dogs are in the crates and followed crate dimension suggestions from Pet MD. I will be sure to clarify this in the post though. Every day, our pets freely roam two acres of yard and the interior of our home. We mainly just use the crates to separate them during feeding time. :)
Wednesday 21st of February 2024
Great idea, Erica! I love how the w/d are at a more comfortable level for using. And your pups look quite comfortable in their new digs. Beautifully done!!
Designing Vibes
Wednesday 21st of February 2024
Thank you so much, Donna! I had never had those risers in previous homes and didn't realize just how great they are (not having to bend down for everything). Hope you are doing well! :)
Wednesday 21st of February 2024
Erica- Wow, what a great looking way for the dogs to hang out! I agree, the wire kennels take up lots of space. Thanks for sharing, have a great rest of the week 😊
Designing Vibes
Wednesday 21st of February 2024
Thank you so much, friend! Yes...my laundry room feels so much bigger now. Have a wonderful rest of your week! :)